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Links for parents

Below are some links to resources that may prove helpful if talking to your child about coronavirus. The most effective resources will be appropriately targeted to each child, but you may find one that is particularly suited for your needs.

If using any of these resources, encourage conversations about the situation and ensure children have chance to express their concerns.


Parent Talk: Support for Parents: 


Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families on self-care for young people:


CBBC: Video and Questions:


Childline: Calm Zone:


ChildMind: Talking to Children:


ELSA: Coronavirus Story for Children


ELSA Support:


National Association of School Psychologists: Parent Resources


Young Minds: Feeling Anxious about Coronavirus


BBC Newsround:


Young Minds: 


Barnardos HYPE Blog:


SCARF at home by Coram Life Education Activities:


BBC How To Keep Your Children Learning:


Place2Be's Children's Mental Health Week:


A book for children based on Coronavirus: 


