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Pirate dress up day!

Clive Pig’s Pirate Show

Making forest school windows

Making forest wizards and fairies in forest school

Making houses for the three little pigs!

Today we started our new story, The Gigantic Turnip, so we planted some turnips!

World Book Day

Meeting the chicks from foundation

Testing out our sense of smell and taste!

Today we were learning about our ears,so we experimented with making and listening to different sounds!

Numbers to 50! Stamping with base ten and collecting sticks.

Today we had a visit from some paramedics, who told us all about their jobs!

In computing, we were programming Bee-Bots!

For the end of our IPC unit, A Day in the Life, we invited a police officer in to speak to the children about his job!

Creating music with different instruments

Making our own ID badges for our dream jobs!

Tree rubbings in forest school

Exploring different fruit in various ways, in preparation for writing a poem on our favourite fruit!

In IPC today, we discussed what locations are needed in a town and then created our own!

Estimating where numbers go on a number line!

Un-nature trail in forest school

Practising counting to 20

Painting self portraits

Thinking of adjectives to describe spaghetti, based on our poem Spaghetti, Spaghetti!

Listening and reading poetry in English

Our Day In The Life entry point

Father Christmas came to visit!

Snowball game - Number bonds to 10!

Making number bond kites!

Creating digital artwork in computing

The Christmasaurus has been to visit...

Learning and playing different games from around the world

Learning about 3D shapes

Making our board games

Evaluating games for the Magic Toymaker

Identifying shapes around the classroom and outdoor space

Making optical illusion toys for the Magic Toymaker

Exploring our story (Handa's surprise) through role play, story sequencing and colouring!

Testing out cars on different surfaces for The Magic Toymaker!

Making and using shadow puppets for the magic toymaker

We created fruit baskets for our new book, Handa's Surprise!

Testing out different materials for the magic toymaker!

Sticky bracelets in forest school

Building the giant's castle and beanstalk!

Playing games from the past! - Morra

Jack gave us some beans to plant!

Retelling Jack and the Beanstalk through actions!

Making poppies for Remembrance day

Completing a range of activities based on our book: Jack and the Beanstalk

Sharing our toys for our Magic Toymaker unit

Making dens in forest school!

Today we started our new IPC unit: The Magic Toymaker

African Rhythms!

Painting pictures of Beegu's home

In forest school this week, we collected a variety of leaves and used them to make pictures.

Fewer than/ greater than!

In maths, we have been learning how to order and compare numbers.

A crash landing!

This week, we have started our new book for writing, Beegu! Beegu mysteriously crash landed in our forest school area earlier this week... take a look!
