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Welcome to Foundation



Class Teachers:

Samantha Lampard and Janice Carr


Teaching Assistants:

Lyndsey Fisher (HLTA), Teresa Colquhoun (TA), Stevie Heard (Apprentice TA)

Welcome to Foundation.

Here you will find information about the Foundation stage including photographs, letters and curriculum overviews.


This term we are focusing on applying and extending our knowledge - we are becoming more confident to write independently and quickly recall maths facts to help solve real life problems.  We are exploring the topics of 'Fun at the seaside' - learning about coastal regions and animals that live in and around the sea.

See below for more information about our curriculum.

PE: This will take place every Tuesday. The children need to wear their school PE kit to school and keep it on all day.  Please note that in Foundation the children always have access to the outdoors and are encouraged to develop their physical skills through running, climbing, balancing etc so please make sure their uniform and footwear is suitable for these activities and changeable weather. Your child may wear black trainers to school, when in foundation,in place of school shoes. 


Forest School:  Forest School sessions will take place on several afternoons across the week.  Please make sure your child always brings a waterproof coat (with hood) to school.  We have sets of waterproof trousers and wellington boots for the children to wear to Forest School.  In the colder months it may be advisable to pack a warm hat and gloves (named).  Please note that we encourage the children to change their footwear independently.  Please make sure shoes are named and that they don't have laces unless your child can tie them.

Reading and Phonics

At Stoke Damerel children are taught to read by using the Read Write Inc programme.  Children have daily phonics lessons and are assessed regularly to ensure they make rapid progress.  

The video below explains how reading is taught at Stoke Damerel.


RWI Parent video


Children are provided with Reading Diaries to record their reading at home.  Children will bring home books that match their phonics ability as well as a library book to share with an adult.  The children are not expected to be able to read the library book themselves, it is to encourage a love of reading as well as providing them with exposure to a larger range of quality texts and vocabulary.  Please make a short note in your child's reading diary every time they read or share a school book with you at home.  Every book recorded will earn them a 'star' on their bookmark in school.  Every 21 stars earns them a certificate. 

*Note* Foundation children will bring home a library book to share. They will also have a phonics books once we are established in phonics groups.

