- Home
- Our School
- Our Learning
- Beyond the Classroom
- Curriculum
- Developing the whole child
- Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
- Reading
- Writing
- Maths
- International Primary Curriculum (IPC)
- Science: IPC
- History: IPC
- Geography: IPC
- Design Technology: IPC
- How is Design Technology taught at this school?
- When will my child learn Design Technology?
- How will my child progress in their knowledge, skill and understanding in Design Technology?
- What will my child learn, in each IPC unit, where there are Design Technology tasks?
- What Design Technology words will by child be expected to use?
- Music: IPC
- Art: IPC
- International Understanding: IPC
- How is International Understanding taught at this school?
- When will my child learn International Understanding?
- How will my child progress in their knowledge, skill and understanding in International Understanding?
- What will my child learn, in each IPC unit, where there are International Understanding tasks?
- What International Understanding words will by child be expected to use?
- Computing: Teach IT
- PSHE: Jigsaw
- RE: Plymouth Agreed Syllabus
- PE: Real PE
- Languages: Language Angels
- Forest Schools
- Developing The Whole Child
- Parent Support
- Supporting pupils with SEND
- School Information Report
- Supporting pupils with medical conditions
- Emotional Well Being support
- SEND policy
- Life Skills
- Hold a pencil correctly
- Washing hands
- Use a knife and fork
- Brushing and looking after your teeth
- Using the toilet independently
- Helping to unload the dishwasher and put things away
- Scraping plates after eating
- Pouring drinks
- Fastening buttons
- Using a zip
- Fold clothes
- Spread toast in independently
- Help to load a washing machine
- Sort white/coloured/dark clothes
- Use and understand the importance of table manners
- Use scissors accurately and safely
- Tie shoe laces
- Wipe a clear surface clean
- Fasten a coat independently
- Understand and use cash including change when shopping
- Move objects to wipe a cluttered area
- Make a simple sandwich
- Understand and be able to choose healthy lifestyle choices
- Make a cup of tea/coffee
- Wash and dry dishes
- Hoover a small clear area
- Show an understanding of road safety
- Use a toaster
- Peel vegetables
- Handle sharp objects - including washing and drying them safely
- Read and follow a bus timetable
- Use a pelican and zebra crossing independently
- Peg out washing on a line
- Change sheets/make a bed
- Use oven controls
- Place items in and out of the oven using oven gloves
- Plan and co-ordinate a meal
- Empty wastebins
- Sort recycling
- Hoover a large area - moving objects if needed
- First aid skills
- Typing skills
- Emotional Support
- Symbols to help at home
- Enriching Our Children
- Home Learning
- Year Pages
- For Parents
- Admission
- Attendance
- E-Safety
- Helping Your Child at Home
- Letters Home
- Links for Parents
- Activities & Events for SEND Newsletter
- Aggie Weston's
- Carers Trust
- Fit and Fed Holiday Clubs
- Food Banks
- Forces Kids - This Is My Life
- Homeport Magazine
- Household Support Fund - financial help
- Is my child too ill for school?
- Library News
- Naval Families Federation Website
- Place2Be: Parenting Smart
- Plymouth Information, Advice and Support for SEND
- Plymouth Parent Carer Voice Workshops
- Plymouth Soup Run
- Protecting your child against flu
- Reading Force
- Service Pupil Premium
- Wolseley Wanderers Youth Group
- Lunch
- Online Payments
- Parental Involvement
- Safeguarding Links
- School Day
- School Office
- Term Dates
- Uniform
- Key Info
- News and Events
- Children