How is PSHE taught at this school?
At Stoke Damerel Primary Academy, every PSHE lesson builds on knowledge, skills and understanding from previous lessons and prior learning. Lessons are taught in a logical progression, systematically and explicitly enough for all pupils to acquire the intended knowledge and skills. Lessons follow a recognisable sequence that is pertinent to the JIGSAW scheme and moves learning forward. Wherever relevant, cross-curricular links are built upon and revised. All children, including the most disadvantaged pupils, the most able pupils and pupils with SEND receive the same challenge within the same broad curriculum. Children develop their vocabulary and knowledge daily, and are encouraged to be ambitious and articulate. Children’s long-term memory is developed through the use of ‘connect us’ as a starter, to ensure they remember the key facts, patterns and skills for each unit of learning.
All lessons are planned using high quality and appropriate resources, using excellent subject knowledge, based upon the JIGSAW scheme. JIGSAW equips pupils with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. All lessons contain challenging, relevant vocabulary to extend children’s word banks. Children at Stoke Damerel are taught to note connections, similarities and differences between units of study and develop the correct use of PSHE terms. Teachers employ a wide range of AfL strategies to support all learners and check pupils’ understanding (used to identify and correct misconceptions and to inform future teaching). Teachers use assessment to help pupils embed and use knowledge fluently. These skills are also implemented and discussed in our weekly JIGSAW assembly.
At SDPA, well-constructed and well-taught PSHE lessons lead to children become confident and successful, while increasing their capacity to learn and preparing them for the challenges of the modern world. All learning builds towards age-related expectations with adaptive teaching provisions in place to support and challenge all pupils to develop depth of knowledge. Pupils will be able to present their understanding, skills, opinions and learning through speaking, computing, a variety of artistic media as well as writing. We believe that PSHE is part of the roots to strong growth in all aspects of life, and are given the due priority that they deserve.