School Logo

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6



Class Teachers: James Allington/Nicky Whitby



Class Teacher: Jennie Hartley



Class Teacher: Caroline Quest


Teaching Assistant: Rob Mowat

Welcome to Year 6. Here you will find everything you and your parents need to know about your year group. Below you will find information about:

- Homework - set weekly.

- PE is on Friday afternoon. You can come into school wearing your PE kit.

- Our class blog and gallery so you can see what we have been learning.


Our classrooms are named after the places William Shakespeare wrote about in his most famous plays. We will get the opportunity to study some of Shakespeare's iconic work during the autumn term including Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet! 


Spring and Summer term is for Science! From understanding the chemistry of baking to the intricacies of electricity, we round off spring with a BANG!... of the drums as we explore sight and sound. 


The first half of summer term is where you have the opportunity to show off how much you have learnt this year in the SATs. Throughout the year we would have used interesting texts to inspire your writing and we will continue to do so during the summer term.


The second half of summer term will be our time to step into the woods with Forest Skills. In IPC, we will study What a Wonderful World! which will focus on Geography. 
